2010年1月20日 星期三

~ Check it out ~

Hey everybody,

I've just updated my blog and added my photos...........*O*

2010年1月18日 星期一

Longman E-book

I don't teach English in this school year but I can share my experience in teaching English by using Longman e-books with my primary one students.

Actually e-book is a software and it comes with the teacher's edition textbook. I normally use it when I teach reading and grammar in each unit because it has good animations and gragphs to capture students' attention.

A wonderful wesite for teaching phonics in primary junior level

I found the following website is good for teaching phonics in primary junior level because the animations are attractive. My students love watching it in their phonics lessons.


2010年1月11日 星期一

Oh..............forgot to tell...............

This is my first time writing the blog ^0^

My experiences of technology in the language learning context

I am not good in using technology in language teaching actually................

Umm.......I usually use e-books in my English lesson because it's quite useful I found............especially the pronounication of the vocabulary in the text......

Beside the language course, umm.......... I also like using e-books in my Mathematics lessons and using powerpoint in my General Studies class because I can capture my students' attebtion when there are animations or sounds!!!