2010年4月24日 星期六

Reflection on week 11 reading: Learner Autonomy and Tandem Learning

In this paper, the author, Schwienhorst, discusses about the relationship between pedagogy and technology. There are three different perspectives that he mentions: an individual-cognitive, a social-interactive, and an experimental-participatory perspective.

"Individual-cognitive" perspective is that reflection and awareness are paramount to learner's learning progress. "Social-interactive" perspective is that students learn through meaningful interactions with native speakers and peers. The interactions are involved scaffolding and feedback which can help learners develop linguistics awareness. "Experimental-participartory" perspective is that learners are supervised and control during their learning process. In this case, learners' awareness of language will be raised.

Tandem learning means that there are two learners' of complementary L1-L2 combinations. These two learners can learn from each other.

In my personal experience, I believe that technology definitely can benefit students' learning, no matter how old you are or what nationality you are. Frankly technology becomes more advance and convenient. People get information whenever and wherever they want. That means learning through technology is liked a trend in today society and I assume that this trend is never passed. It would only become better. Therefore, according to those three perspectives of learning from Schwienhorst, they can absolutely help students learning better in different occasions.

2010年4月19日 星期一

Reflection on week 1: The web as a vehicle for constructivist approaches in language teaching.

This article is about the advantages and disadvantages on Web-based learning. It mentioned that the best versions of Web-based learning are goal-based problem-solving activities which involve learning bydoing They allow learners to make mistakes in a safe environment. Furthermore, it is even better if intelligent tutors are provided and they provide guidance to learners. However, Web-based learning is not a time saving approach. In contrast, it is a time-consuming approarch. But it is worthwhile to invest in because the research has shown that both adult or younger learners like working with computer. They agree technology can help in their learning and stimulate their interests. From a report did by 164 older and younger students, it showed that there are 133 advantahes and only 90 disadvantages. Although it seems that Web-based learning has many advantages. But it still has disadvantages. For example, Web-based learning requires certain level of computer skills. Therefore, learners might have pressure if they don not familiar with using computers. In this case, it might affect learners' learning.

2010年4月12日 星期一

Reflection on week 10: Technology in testing: the present and the future.

This paper is about the advantages and disadvantages of computer-based language tests (CBTs). For advantages, for example, firstly, CBTs is different to the traditional pencil and paper tests. It helps saving paper because people only need a computer and an internet to do the test. Secondly, there is no restriction of time. It means people have choice of doing it anytime and anywhere they prefer. Thirdly, people do not need to force staying in an area such as a big room to do the test and not need to do it in front of others. For disadvantages, for example, firstly, CBTs limit in item type such as multiple choice questions are the most convenient test item type for CBTs. Secondly, a degree of computer literacy is required because test takers need to follow instructions in order to take a test. Knowing how to use a mouse or knowing some keyboard features is essential.

I had an experience of taking CBTs when I was taking my bachelor degree in Australia. I forgot which course was it about. But I needed to finish a 30 questions test in a period of time. I did it at home as I remember. However, not only me, my colleagues took the same course could cheat easily. The reason is that I needed to press "submit" when I finished the test. I could just press "cancel" if I was not quite ready after I started the CBTs. Or I could ask tips from people who just finished the test earlier. Then I could get more information about the test. Therefore, although CBTs are convenient, it is not that "valid" in my point of view.

Reflection on week 8: Hong Kong's amended copyright law: a guide for teachers and students.

This is a leaflet showing the information which teachers and students can use and not breaking the law. That is copyright. Publishers or writers have their rights on their works and people might break the law if they use others' works without authorization. So copyright is use for protecting the origional works' producer.

However, sometimes it is hard for teachers or students by using others' works "with" authorization, especially for my primary students. They are still too young to understand what is copyright about and they do not know how to reference the resources. Maybe it is not too harsh for language course. But it is extremely hard for General Studies course. For example, primary four to five students in my school need to do newspaper cutting every two weeks. They might be able to find a source. But maybe they are too lazy or they do not even know how to analyze a newspaper article. Most of them only copy a whole paragraph from the article. They do not care about "copyright" even teachers keep telling them not copy the whole thing from newspapers. Therefore, I think it is essential for schools to organize an introduction course of copyright in the beginning of a turn. And also teachers should guide students how to make a good use of resources by avoiding copy the whole paragraph.
Recently in this school year, I've informed that my school purchased copyrights from two newspaper companies. Therefore, teachers can copy some articles for their students for teaching purpose of course. However, there is a limit of copies for each article.